2014-02-24 18:39
Synek urodzony w Szkocji, czy w przypadku ewentualnego powrotu (na stałe) do Polski będzie dostawać Child Benefit (reszta w treści)
w sytuacji gdzie obydwoje rodziców jest Polakami z polskim obywatelstwem
- synek ma obywatelstwo polskie, ale urodzony został w Szkocji
Czy po otrzymaniu Child Benefit na synka w Szkocji w przypadku powrotu do kraju będziemy nadal otrzymywać pieniądze?
Ma którakolwiek z Was pojęcie bo mi dziś mąż klina wbił :)
2014-02-24 18:46:13
child benefit
If your child goes to live with someone else, you may be able to keep getting Child Benefit for up to eight weeks. You might be able to get it for longer if you keep contributing towards your child's upkeep.
The first eight weeks after a child leaves home
If your child leaves home to live with someone like a friend or relative, the Child Benefit Office may keep paying you Child Benefit for the first eight weeks.
It may be less than this if the person your child's gone to live with also makes a claim for your child.
After eight weeks
You may keep getting Child Benefit for more than eight weeks if:
you are contributing towards your child's maintenance and accommodation
you are contributing at least as much as the Child Benefit you get for your child
the person who your child's living with hasn't claimed
All of these must apply.
Types of contribution that count
The amount you are contributing needn't be money. It can include:
-birthday and Christmas presents
-pocket money
You might also contribute by providing somewhere for your child to live. For example, you could:
- transfer the house to your partner - the transfer could count as a weekly amount of maintenance but only if you agree this with the Child Benefit Office
-contribute a regular amount to cover your share of the interest on the house where your child lives
2014-02-24 20:13:28
2014-02-24 22:02:32
2014-02-24 23:42:09
2014-02-25 20:18:33
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