2014-02-16 10:35
2014-02-16 10:50
hi verrerie:) Pola is growing up so quick,I can t imagine Gabriel will speak at least polish 2.5 years old.
2014-02-16 11:00
verrerie - I Heard that...
wredna- hello and welcome :))
2014-02-16 11:29
2014-02-16 11:33
Welcome Wredna:-) ...
Let me tell you a little bit about learing and aquisition of languages ...
From my point of view, children who "learn:" a foreign language while living abroad ( it's aqusition)are lucky ones because it's a natural process. It really doesn't matter how many languages the baby "learns". He/she communicates with parents in Polish, friends in English and in kindergarden in French. It's natural for him/her.
My teacher's daughter living in Poland at the age of 5 could speak 4 languages: Polish ( with friends) , English (father) , Russian ( mother) and Azerbaijani (grandmother).
2014-02-16 11:34
2014-02-16 11:36
On the other hand, it would be strange if I talk here in Poland to my children in English, wouldn't it?
I haven't decided to teach my son yet ( he's nearly six) because he needs the help of a speech therapist with his Polish and he started to speak in Polish at the age of 2,5.